SouthShore Botanicals
a Wildly Diverse Flower Farm
Nature Immersion
Guided Nature Walk

Beginner to Intermediate
Children are Welcome
The focus is on Geography, Noticing and Identification of the Flora and Fauna of the Inland Coastal Sea Plain Region of Lake Superior.
This walk is given at varies locations around the South Shore. PortWing, Herbster, Cornacopia
When you click the botton Book Now you will be directed to email. Please include the date and the time you would like to book , I will check availability and get back to you ASAP.
Guided Wild Edible Walk

Beginner to Intermediate
Children are Welcome
The Focus of this Hike is on Wild edibles of all kinds. We will be hunting, identifying, smelling, tasting, and discussing traditional uses and history.
When you click the botton Book Now you will be directed to email. Please include the date and the time you would like to book , I will check availability and get back to you ASAP.
Guided Plant Medicine Walk
This Hike focuses on Bioregional Herbalism. Plants as Healers and Folklore. We begin to touch on the vast traditions and history of Plants as Healers.
When you click the botton Book Now you will be directed to email. Please include the date and the time you would like to book , I will check availability and get back to you ASAP.
Guided Mushroom Walks

Fall is the Best time in my opinion for hunting for mushrooms and pretty weather dependent. Its when the big three bloom. Chicken of the woods, Hen of the Woods, and Chanterelles. But the good news is there is always something to see and through this hike hopefully you will be opened up to the fascinating world of fungi .
When you click the botton Book Now you will be directed to email. Please include the date and the time you would like to book , I will check availability and get back to you ASAP.
Guided Bog Paddle

Limited to 2 People
Children are not allowed
This is an easy paddle in a kayak on Bark Bay Slough. You will be outfitted with everything you need to be fascinated by the incredibly unique ecosystem that is the Bark Bay Slough. It boosts northern carnivorous plants, Breathtaking views of Black Spruce and Tamaracks and a sand spit that separates the slough from the Big lake.
This is weather dependent. Calm days only

Camp on The off grid Homestead on SouthShore of Lake Superior. 30 acres of Inland Coastal Sea Plain. I literally can't describe the beauty or even capture it on film. It has to be witnessed for yourself. 2 very primative and private camp sites literally 300 yards from the rocky and sandy shore of Lake Superior.